Zebra Technologies acquires Matrox Imaging
By Will Corns | June 06, 2022

Industrial Automation Insider: Why Zebra Acquired Matrox Imaging and You Should be Excited if You’re Being Driven to Automate Operations

Donato Montanari discusses Zebra’s plans to both simplify and scale machine vision applications specific to robot guidance, 3D inspections, and other business-critical capabilities in today’s complex supply chains.

It’s official! Matrox Imaging is now part of Zebra. 

I know there has been a lot of industry buzz about the acquisition since we first announced our intent to buy the Matrox Imaging division, and now that the deal is closed, I thought I would sit down with Donato Montanari, the Vice President and General Manager of Zebra’s Machine Vision business unit, to talk about what this big move means for manufacturers, warehouse operators, and others who are going to need industrial automation to keep up with demand and be competitive in their markets. 

I expect that what he shares in our quick 20-minute conversation will leave you surprised and excited:

Industrial Automation Insider: Why Zebra Acquired Matrox Imaging

He gives us the scoop on:

  • [1:03-4:29] Why Zebra acquired Matrox Imaging and why now.

  • [4:30-5:20] How long will it be before the Matrox Imaging solutions are integrated into Zebra’s machine vision portfolio and how the integration of Matrox Imaging’s solutions into Zebra’s portfolio will raise the bar on “what’s possible” with machine vision.

  • [5:21-14:00] The types of machine vision and fixed industrial scanning capabilities manufacturers, warehouse operators and others will gain because of this acquisition and portfolio integration. For example, we’ll be able to support some really cool (and more complex) new applications around robot guidance, 3D inspection, and more – without having to abandon our “easy-to-deploy, easy-to-use” solution framework. We’ll also be able to fully support the automotive industry as it transitions to more electric vehicle production and adapts its inspection mandates and processes accordingly. And that’s just the start.

  • [14:00-16:25] How the synergies between the capabilities of Zebra and Matrox Imaging will empower customers to focus their time and energy more effectively on revenue-generating work versus trying to piece together compatible, effective automation systems. 

  • [16:26-19:05] Why you should feel comfortable deploying modern machine vision and fixed industrial scanning systems, even if you’ve been on the fence or had a bad experience in the past. As Donato stresses, you are going to have to automate soon if you want to be competitive in the future. So, it’s not a matter of whether you need machine vision or fixed industrial scanning. (You do.) It’s more about who you can/should trust to guide you on that automation journey – who can help reduce the risks of these investments and increase your return.  

Listen now to learn more about why it will be critical to integration machine vision and fixed industrial scanning systems into your workflows, especially if you’re currently struggling with quality, traceability, compliance and/or labor availability issues in your plant, warehouse, or distribution center. 


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Will Corns
Will Corns

William Corns is the Senior North American Sales Manager for Fixed Industrial Scanning & Machine Vision at Zebra Technologies, leading a team of industrial automation experts and driving key conversations with customers about the value of industrial automation in today's challenging business environment. William joined Zebra in 2021 after selling his machine vision company that he founded in 2003. With nearly two decades of machine vision experience, William brings with him knowledge of complex vision systems, artificial intelligence, 3D scanning, robotics and integrated industrial automation workflows. Now he leads our team of Fixed Industrial Scanner & Machine Vision experts for Zebra. 

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