An end of year reflection from CEO Anders Gustafsson
By Anders Gustafsson | December 21, 2020

2020 May Not Have Been the Year We All Hoped for, But We Still Accomplished Remarkable Feats, Proving Just How Resilient We Can Be

And that gives us hope that both industries and individuals will have the means to recover and prosper in the coming months.

In speaking with friends, family, customers, partners and colleagues, it has become abundantly clear that most people are eager to leave everything about 2020 behind. Yet, I believe there is much to be carried forward with us into the new year.

We’ve discovered a lot about ourselves these past several months, and we started to really “show our stripes” at work, home and in our communities. Amidst the heartbreaking losses we experienced, we somehow became more hopeful and more helpful than ever. And though our patience may have been tested and nerves frayed, our compassion and support for one another has eclipsed the darkness. We learned how to be independent yet collaborative at the same time. We realized just how creative and resilient we could be when our lives – and livelihood – are on the line. And we came to appreciate both the beauty of spontaneity and the comfort of routine.

In other words, this past year may not have unfolded as we had planned on January 1, 2020, but it was still very much a success in many ways. All you have to do is look at the list of awards and accolades below (or read our recent blog posts) to see all that Zebra Nation has accomplished in the past six months alone. The awe-inspiring dedication and drive of our team, partners and customers kept the world turning behind the scenes, even when it felt like things were at a standstill. The efforts of these incredible people also empowered our front-line heroes to do their jobs safely and efficiently, resulting in the preservation of critical healthcare, food, utility and emergency services.

While 2020 pushed many of us to our limits, it also pushed us to grow tremendously on both a personal and collective level. We have gained a better understanding of our own strengths while learning how to empower others to be their best selves at work and in life.

So, before the clock strikes midnight on January 1, 2021, and we relegate 2020 to history, let’s take a moment to appreciate just how significant this year proved to be in paving the path to a better future. Then, let’s ring in the new year with a toast to hope. Not necessarily for a “return to normal,” but for a healthier and more just world.

The power of teamwork is something that we know first-hand at Zebra. Our collaborative approach to innovation (and everything) is part of the reason why we’ve been named…

It’s also why many of our employees and customers received special industry recognition…

And why these solutions were deemed the “best” by panels of industry experts:

Congratulations to all of our Q3 and Q4 award winners and thank you to everyone who helped Zebra Nation remain strong throughout 2020! We hope you and your loved ones are blessed with joy, health and comfort this holiday season and that 2021 brings you good fortune.


Editor’s Note:

The Institutional Investor poll also named Anders Gustafsson the Best Sell-Side CEO and one of the top three CEOs in the IT Hardware & Electronic Manufacturing Services category.

Leadership, Inside Zebra Nation, Corporate Social Responsibility, Innovative Ideas,
Anders Gustafsson
Anders Gustafsson

Anders Gustafsson became chief executive officer and a director of Zebra Technologies on September 4, 2007. Prior to joining Zebra, Mr. Gustafsson served as CEO of Spirent Communications plc, a publicly traded telecommunications company. At Spirent, Mr. Gustafsson redirected that company's growth strategy, divested non-core operations, integrated historic acquisitions and streamlined the organization to realize significant cost savings. Prior to Spirent, he was senior executive vice president, global business operations, of Tellabs, Inc. While at Tellabs, Mr. Gustafsson also served as president, Tellabs International, as well as president, global sales, and vice president and general manager, Europe, Middle East and Africa. 

Earlier in his career, he held executive positions with Motorola and Network Equipment Technologies. Mr. Gustafsson holds a master’s degree in business administration from the Harvard Graduate School of Business and a master of science degree in electrical engineering from Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden. He was a Fulbright Scholar and received numerous fellowships and scholarships for academic excellence.

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